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There is an unknown danger everywhere you see a homemade SOCCER GOAL!

The DANGER results in D E A T H or an irreversible serious injury {IN MOST CASES}....

The reason is : "U N A N C H O R E D   S O C C E R    G O A L   P O S TS"

bullet76 Incidents
bullet27 DEATHS
bullet49 Injuries

Investigated by the

US Consumer Product Safety Commission -Jay DeMarco

Here in the United States, Soccer is the fastest growing sport ever, however we have more football fields than we do Soccer Fields, therefore soccer leagues borrow football fields and have as many as 10 strong men carry these homemade soccer goal posts onto the fields. The weight of these goals range from 300 to over 500 pounds. The scenario is usually when a soccer league is started up money is donated by a company willing to donate the funds in turn for free advertising of the companies name on soccer uniforms and the donation helps out at income tax season. A manufactured pair of goals are very expensive and the goalposts are usually the last item to purchase, since the balls and uniforms are needed first. When the funds run out, teams find ways to diversify and have the goals made by a welder or such. Unfortunately no one seems to think about the recourse, if this goal post falls over on someone.

October 2003 Another Death reported from Vernon Hills, IL, the child was6 years old.  The victim was playing goalie,when the unan- chored goal fell over on him .{see incident page}


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Daniel Owen Taunton was killed when a 500 lb. soccer goal fell on him while playing with his dog at a neighborhood park. He was 10 years old.

We must all physically check soccer goal posts when we see them and report them to the organization who is responsible for any negligence on the premises of the property. For instance if the unanchored goal is in a city park, you should contact the city and report an unsafe soccer goalpost in that cities park and ask for a call back of when the problem is taken care of, and if you don’t hear back, write a letter to the city manager stating the problem and leave your email address on the contact page of this website and I will make a file to make sure the problem is taken care of.

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